If you want to try Shojin Ryori (精進料理), Zen Vegetarian Cuisine, this is a good address. It’s located next to Kodaiji Temple and they open from lunch to dinner, non stop. The type of Shojin Ryori they provide is called “Fucha Ryori”, which was brought to Japan by Chinese monks during the Edo period.
Compared to Japanese Shojin Ryori, there is more vegetable oil so it may be easier to taste for many people. Starting with “Goma Dofu” (black sesame tofu), “Nasu Dengaku” (Fried Eggplant with Miso), “Kudzuni” (Kudzu soup with vegetables), and “Yasai Tempura” (Deep fried vegetables). These are very light dishes.
They also have a restaurant in the Chishakuin Temple (next to Kyoto National Museum). They open only for lunch (11:00-15:45) and you can enjoy Shojin Ryori in Bento box style.
Ikkyuan - Vegetarian Restaurant
京都府京都市東山区高台寺南門前 (In front of the South gate of Kodaiji Temple, Higashiyama, Kyoto)
TEL: 075-561-1901
Opening: 12:00-20:00
Holiday: Tuesday
Shojin ryori course: Yen 3,000, 4,800, 6,600
Lunch menu: Yen 2,100