Tempura Endou Restaurant in Gion, Kyoto

I think that Tempura is one of these dishes that is either quite mediocre or extremely good — there is no in-between.  It has to be eaten at the counter, right out of the hot oil.  It should not be left waiting, as the ingredients then take a fade look and loose the crispiness of their taste.  We do not go to tempura places very often, but when we do, we try to choose a quality restaurant.

Akiko enjoying her dinner - Tempura Endou Restaurant


Akiko selected Tempura Endo Yasaka, a place in Gion, just south of the Kennin-Ji Temple . It’s an old place located into a machiya. We chose to be seated in a private room (an old tea room) opened to an inside garden.


Non-oily, healthy Kyoto-style tempura, enjoyed in an inn in a quaint historical Kyoto townscape is a rare experience.  This restaurant has been operating in the same traditional Kyoto-style storefront for over 100 years.  We enjoyed this private moment in a historical Kyoto, tasting Kyoto delicacies — local vegetables, seafood from the Japanese sea, river fish from Biwako River, and more.



150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0490先付:ゆばとこんにゃく: Yuba & Konnyaku
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0491トウモロコシのてんぷら: Sweet corn Tempura
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0496えびのてんぷら、塩で: Shrimp (with salt)
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0497さつまいもとしいたけ: Sweet potato and Shiitake Mushroom
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0506白身魚のしそまき、金時人参: White fish and Red carrot
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0508琵琶湖の若さぎとえんどう豆: Little fish from Biwa lake and beans
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0514サラダ、さつまいも: Salad and sweet potato
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0517あなごとかきあげ: Eel and mixture of little shrimp and vegetables
150216_Kyoto-Tempura-Endo-Restaurant-0531かき揚げ茶漬けとおつけもの: Vegetables and green tea



For more information or to make a reservation, here is the restaurant web site.


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